As you embark on this task and create your direction for the year, I ask, is your priority a WHO or a WHAT?
Why You Should Make Time for Self-Reflection
Navigating Loss During the Holidays
The holiday season is upon us. For many it can be the most wonderful time of the year, but for others, it can be the loneliest. If you have lost a loved one or suffered a breakup with a spouse/significant other or friend, the holiday season is a constant reminder of the loss. Grief at any time of the year is painful, but it feels especially traumatic during the holidays.
How to Hone Critical Thinking Skills
Forming an opinion based solely on someone else’s view can limit your ability to think critically and may prevent you from fully understanding the subject. When you adopt someone else’s perspective without investigating for yourself, you’re more likely to overlook important nuances, miss other viewpoints, and potentially accept biases or misinformation without question.
Why Kindness is A Strength
Kindness is an essential virtue that transcends cultures, religions, and societies, acting as a universal language that can bridge divides and create a more harmonious world. In our fast-paced world, it is often undervalued, but its importance cannot be overstated. Kindness has the power to transform lives, improve mental and physical health, foster strong communities, and even shape the future of our society.
When You Lose Your Mom
Fourteen years ago on August 15, I lost my mom. When you lose a mother you lose your foundation. A mother is the one person you can count on no matter what. She loves you unconditionally through whatever situation you may create. There’s no need for an explanation or even an apology, all is always forgiven. Her love has no limits, knows no boundaries, and is always available.
Surviving Family Alienation
Seeing People for Who They Are: Taking Off Rose-Colored Glasses
Life often nudges us towards idealizing the people around us. We don rose-colored glasses and view those we love and admire through a softened, forgiving lens. These metaphorical glasses blur flaws, magnify virtues, and paint a picture that is often more hopeful than accurate. While optimism and faith in others is a positive, there may come a time when it’s necessary to take off those rose-colored glasses and see people for who they truly are.
When You’re Surrounded by People Who Are Addicted to Drama
The Importance of Spending Time with Your Parents
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to take your parents for granted. It’s common to believe there is plenty of time and they will always be there. But, time whizzes by and before you know it, the days quickly turn into months and then years. The significance of spending quality time with them cannot be overstated.