
Why Kindness is A Strength

Kindness is an essential virtue that transcends cultures, religions, and societies, acting as a universal language that can bridge divides and create a more harmonious world. In our fast-paced world, it is often undervalued, but its importance cannot be overstated. Kindness has the power to transform lives, improve mental and physical health, foster strong communities, and even shape the future of our society.

When You Lose Your Mom

Fourteen years ago on August 15, I lost my mom. When you lose a mother you lose your foundation. A mother is the one person you can count on no matter what. She loves you unconditionally through whatever situation you may create. There’s no need for an explanation or even an apology, all is always forgiven. Her love has no limits, knows no boundaries, and is always available.

Seeing People for Who They Are: Taking Off Rose-Colored Glasses

Life often nudges us towards idealizing the people around us. We don rose-colored glasses and view those we love and admire through a softened, forgiving lens. These metaphorical glasses blur flaws, magnify virtues, and paint a picture that is often more hopeful than accurate. While optimism and faith in others is a positive, there may come a time when it’s necessary to take off those rose-colored glasses and see people for who they truly are.

The Importance of Spending Time with Your Parents

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to take your parents for granted. It’s common to believe there is plenty of time and they will always be there. But, time whizzes by and before you know it, the days quickly turn into months and then years. The significance of spending quality time with them cannot be overstated.

Finding Strength After Betrayal

Discovering that your spouse or significant other has cheated can be an earth-shattering experience, leaving you feeling betrayed, heartbroken, and uncertain about the future. When it occurs, you may think you will never be able to love or trust again, and those feelings are valid. The revelation of infidelity marks the end of everything you believed to be true. It shatters your dreams and expectations. But, while it will certainly take time to heal, amidst the intense pain and turmoil, there is an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and ultimately, the chance to create a new life filled with love and happiness.

When You Miss Someone You've Loved

If you’ve ever sustained a breakup, whether a romantic partner, family member, or friend, you know that in the pain of the loss there will be moments when you long to have that person back in your life. You may even convince yourself that the relationship can be good. But, missing someone doesn't always equate to rekindling a relationship, it can be part of the healing process. It means you are acknowledging the impact that person had on your life.

The Power and Importance of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a profound and multifaceted concept that holds significant importance in human relationships. It is often described as the conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether the forgiveness is actually deserved. This act of letting go is not about excusing or forgetting the wrongdoing but about freeing yourelf from the burden of anger and bitterness.