Fourteen years ago on August 15, I lost my mom. When you lose a mother you lose your foundation. A mother is the one person you can count on no matter what. She loves you unconditionally through whatever situation you may create. There’s no need for an explanation or even an apology, all is always forgiven. Her love has no limits, knows no boundaries, and is always available.
When I lost my mother, I didn’t just lose my mom, I lost my best friend, my go to person. We would speak six, seven, or more times a day, every day. I would call her to tell her a stupid story or to ask how to do something. Her wisdom was a treasure (but I didn’t realize it at the time). She was the person who was always by my side.
“Want to run to the mall with me,” I would ask. “Sure,” she would reply. “I’m taking the baby to the pediatrician, want to come?” “OK,” she’d say. I would pick her up and off we’d go. I was never alone as long as she was around.
“When you lose someone you love, the grief creates a hole in your heart. Over time, the hole does close up, but not with the same solid matter that was once there.”
When you lose someone you love, the grief creates a hole in your heart. Over time, the hole does close up, but not with the same solid matter that was once there. It fills in with sand that always allows the pain to sift through to the inside. It circulates in there and doesn’t completely go away; it just takes a different form.
So, if you are lucky enough to still have your mom, stop reading right now and give her a call. I can guarantee you take her for granted. Don’t foolishly believe there is ample time with her. None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow so be together as much as possible. All the little seemingly insignificant moments you experience now, will one day be the foundation upon which you will build your new life. And if you no longer have your mother, you understand what I’m saying and I’m sorry.