Inspiring stories from your community for your community.

We all need a little inspiration now and then. Sometimes all it takes is a new perspective, encouraging words, or a reminder that we’re not alone in our struggles. Your Hometown Podcast is a network of independent community podcasts produced under the Change Your Attitude … Change Your Life brand. Each show features stories about local community residents who inspire, motivate, and empower. In each episode, host Joan Herrmann is joined by people who walk among us every day, making a difference in their community and the world. Their quiet contributions often go unnoticed, but their work and deeds have the power to change lives.

About the Host:
Joan Herrmann is a New York radio host, producer, and creator of Change Your Attitude … Change Your Life. She has been an on-air personality on WOR710 AM and AM970 The Answer for the past 15 years. In addition, Joan is a media consultant, publisher and columnist. She has been featured in Forbes, on the BBC, and other print and broadcast media.

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More towns are being added so check back to learn about premiere dates.

Your Hometown Podcast - Little Falls, NJ

Your Hometown Podcast - Woodland Park, NJ