In today’s digital world, where the lines between innocent engagement and emotional betrayal are blurred, this situation raises an important discussion: When does social media behavior cross the line, and should it be considered a form of cheating?
In recent years, many of us have experienced challenges like we never have seen before. Watching events unfold it is easy to think: I don’t understand what is happening; it seems like our world is upside down.
Do you often think about doing something different or implementing a new idea only to allow fear to stop you dead in your tracks without giving the opportunity a try?
I’m often amazed at people who feel they are more important than others. Those who believe that their wealth, status, or whatever circumstance they create in their mind, entitles them to special treatment or reverence that others do not receive.
I recently went through an experience that was painful for me on a personal level. Something I was certain would occur, didn’t happen. I did everything humanly possible to make my wish a reality, but in the end, things didn’t work out as I had planned.
In today’s digital world, where the lines between innocent engagement and emotional betrayal are blurred, this situation raises an important discussion: When does social media behavior cross the line, and should it be considered a form of cheating?
In recent years, many of us have experienced challenges like we never have seen before. Watching events unfold it is easy to think: I don’t understand what is happening; it seems like our world is upside down.
Do you often think about doing something different or implementing a new idea only to allow fear to stop you dead in your tracks without giving the opportunity a try?
I’m often amazed at people who feel they are more important than others. Those who believe that their wealth, status, or whatever circumstance they create in their mind, entitles them to special treatment or reverence that others do not receive.
I recently went through an experience that was painful for me on a personal level. Something I was certain would occur, didn’t happen. I did everything humanly possible to make my wish a reality, but in the end, things didn’t work out as I had planned.
What makes happy people happy? Why is someone who goes through a tragedy or lives in a horrible situation happy, while others who seem to have it all are miserable?
We live in a fast paced world, seldom taking the time to catch our breath. Add to the general stress of life, a significant event such as losing a loved one, getting fired from a job, going through a divorce, or another difficult situation, and you have a recipe for emotional overload.
The truth of the matter is that while there are many people in wonderful relationships, there are more people today living life as singles than ever before.
Abandonment issues often stem from past experiences of rejection, neglect, or abandonment, leading to deep-seated fears of being left or rejected. People with abandonment issues often struggle to create a healthy relationship.