Forming an opinion based solely on someone else’s view can limit your ability to think critically and may prevent you from fully understanding the subject. When you adopt someone else’s perspective without investigating for yourself, you’re more likely to overlook important nuances, miss other viewpoints, and potentially accept biases or misinformation without question.
What Kind of Ripples Do You Want to Create?
Tips to Make Resolutions Stick
Is It A Who Or A What?
Healing from Trauma
A Time for Self Reflection
Is It Time for A Social Media Detox?
Count Your Blessings
Navigating Loss During the Holidays
The holiday season is upon us. For many it can be the most wonderful time of the year, but, for others, it can be the loneliest. If you have lost a loved one or suffered a breakup with a spouse/significant other or friend, the holiday season is a constant reminder of the loss. Grief at any time of the year is painful, but it feels especially traumatic during the holidays.
Believe in Yourself and You'll be Unstoppable: Three Ways to Adjust Your Focus
The level of success you see in your life is a direct result of your belief system. When you believe in yourself, you have faith in your abilities and capabilities. This gives you the confidence to overcome fears and self-doubt so you can take action and keep moving forward. As your self-confidence increases, you will perform better at work, experience more fulfilling relationships, and explore new opportunities.