Written by Linda Mitchell
Have you ever caught yourself stalled on a project and filling your time with other actions like an easier task, eating, drinking or finding just about any other distraction to put off the work at hand? It’s important to realize that procrastination is not so much a lack of self-control, it’s more of taking ineffective and distracting actions that sooth the discomfort we feel when trying to tackle an unpleasant or unfamiliar task, situation or circumstance. Think of procrastination as a decision to stall moving forward.
Yes, procrastination is a decision, consciously or subconsciously, to remain indecisive. And unfortunately, procrastination only compounds the negative associations we have with the given task. Additionally, it adds to our stress, anxiety, feelings of self-blame and guilt. Ruminating about our lack of action and getting stuck in the distraction torpedoes our self-esteem. What if instead you looked for the hidden lessons behind your procrastination?
If you stop to ask yourself why and really get honest with yourself, you’ll likely uncover some of the real reasons for your procrastination. Some are easy to spot. What’s in front of you might be uncomfortable or boring. But if you delve deeper, you may discover it’s your soul’s way of helping you see that you’re not in alignment with your true values or mission. If that’s the case, dig deeper into what your inner wisdom and guidance would have you do instead. Check in with your body and see where the discomfort lands. What is your heart, gut and head telling you? Be gentle with yourself and express gratitude to your body and brain for this new awareness.
“Procrastination is a decision, consciously or subconsciously, to remain indecisive.”
This is an important step and will truly help you discern what actions would be best for you! Our unresolved emotions and our issues land in our tissues! Listen deeply to your inner guidance and course correct to get back on track. Take any inspired action steps that move you closer to discovering why you feel out of sorts and what you might do instead. If it’s simply an aversion to an unpleasantry, get out of the hole you’re digging and simply plan to get it done. If it’s a big project, break it down into manageable pieces, and if it’s a smaller task, either jump right in or schedule a date on the calendar. Pause to imagine how good you’ll feel once it’s completed and off your shoulders. Stop carrying around the weight of the undone task which is often heavier and more stressful than the act of completing it! Once you do so, you’ll feel so much better, and you’ll have a better understanding of the bigger picture.
But if the cause of your procrastination is not simply due to an unpleasant task moving you out of your comfort zone, discern where the real discomfort is coming from. Perhaps you’re working in an industry that is diametrically opposed to your authentic self, making the project uncomfortable. In this example, procrastination that is a sign to find work that is more in alignment with your core values and beliefs. Here, procrastination isn’t simply avoidance, it’s your body and brain’s way of waving a red flag to wake you up to something better coming your way if you take aligned action. Begin to explore new possibilities, opportunities and paths forward. Thank your body for the pause and decide to make some empowering changes.
You see, procrastination is not a trait, it’s a habit. The good news is when we understand the reason for our habits, we can also intentionally decide to create different habits and action steps that serve us better and allow us to feel more empowered and fulfilled in everyday life.
Linda Mitchell is a board certified professional and executive coach, speaker, workshop leader, and reinvention expert. She is the founder of Linda Mitchell Coaching and Healing.