Learn to Appreciate the Bad Days

One of my friends stopped by my house this past weekend and when I answered the door, she was surprised to see tears streaming down my face. She immediately asked what was wrong. I told her that I was watching The Waltons marathon on television. The look on her face was priceless!

I explained that The Waltons has always reminded me of my family when I was growing up, especially the grandmother. I said that watching the show made me long for my family members, all of whom have since passed, and the wonderful times that we shared.


My friend asked why I watch the show if it makes me cry and I told her that the emotions are bittersweet because while I feel extremely sad, I also remember the love and joy that I felt over the years. The wonderful memories came flooding in.

Sometimes you need to experience the bad in order to get to the good.

Sometimes you need to experience the bad in order to get to the good.

We all have days when life’s challenges or daily obstacles, that are usually handled without blinking an eye, have the power to drive a dagger into the heart. Life doesn’t always work out according to plan. Everyone feels vulnerable, sad and lonely from time to time. And that’s ok.

It’s those challenging days that give meaning to every other day. The ups and downs make life worth living. Without the bad you wouldn’t feel the good.

Just because you’re having a day or two (or sometimes month or year) that isn’t going your way, doesn’t mean you’re having a bad life. Look past the sadness to the gifts and lessons that are being offered. Remember that those bad days make you appreciate the good. Embrace them.