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Mary Battaglia: Healing from Cancer

In This Episode:

Air Date: September 11

Finding out you have cancer can be devastating. Feelings of depression, anxiety, and fear are common. Mary Battaglia was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). As a certified clinical hypnosis practitioner, for years Mary has helped her clients navigate their health challenges. With this diagnosis, it was time for her to face her own. Mary tapped in to her arsenal of tools to take control over the situation rather than allowing the illness to be in control. She explains how she uses the power of the mind and visualization to heal. Mary is the founder of Metro Hypnosis Center through which she offers programs to cancer patients to bring them into restorative environments. She is the author of the book, Transformation Through Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your Mind, and Step Into Your Power.

Tune in Sunday nights at 10PM ET on New York’s AM970 The Answer and iHeartRadio. Available Monday on major podcast platforms.

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